With winter fast approaching here in Cape Town, bird feeders are a good way to help out our feathered friends when food is more scarce. We already have a wooden birdhouse feeder that is a popular eating spot for some of our regular garden visitors, such as the Swee Waxbill, Red-eyed Dove and Forest Canary, but we decided to give these great craft ideas a go. They are both fairly simple to do with basic household items and such fun for kids to help you create.
1. Hanging Birdseed Ornaments
What you will need:
- Scrap Cardboard Box
- Colouring Pens/Crayons/Paint/Decorative bits
- Shape to cut around or cookie cutter
- Scissors
- Holepunch
- String/Ribbon
- Peanut Butter
- Knife
- Flat dish or tin
- Birdseed
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
Punch a hole in the top and thread through a length of string long enough to hang from the branch of a tree or bush. Ours was about 60cm so we had a hanging length of 30cm.

Step 4
Paste a thin layer of peanut butter on the non-decorated side. We used a ‘no salt no sugar’ brand – much better for our feathered friends! Put some birdseed into a flat dish or tin and place the cardboard shape, peanut butter side down to coat in seed. If you don’t have any birdseed you can create your own with any of the following ingredients:
- Sunflower seeds – the most popular choice for many birds so make sure this is the largest quantity in your mix
- Unsalted peanuts – crushed up will stick better to the cardboard
- Cracked corn
- Dried fruit
- Uncooked porridge oats

Step 5

2. Tin Can Bird Feeder
What you will need:
- Tin Cans
- Paint
- Glue
- Wooden dowel or lollipop stick
- Ribbon
- Birdseed
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Not five minutes after we’d hung them and we spotted a cheeky squirrel coming to investigate! Now we need to keep a close eye out for some birds and, of course, chase the squirrels away.

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